Glennis' Story

I sadly lost my husband Lindsay Wilson to a rare lung disease just 15 months ago.

Lindsay had Pulmonary Fibrosis (PF), which causes scarring of the lungs and he had to fight to breathe every single day. PF is a cruel disease – like slow suffocation. It robs you of your breath, your vitality, your very essence.

But one thing that gave Lindsay and I hope was the chance to trial new medications through life-changing research right here in Western Australia. It gave us more TIME together.

Lindsay participated in two clinical trials with the Institute for Respiratory Health. He whole- heartedly believed, in fact we both did, that these trials slowed the progression of his PF, improved his quality of life and gave us more TIME together.

He participated because he knew that by trialling new treatments, it could help improve the quality of life of others living with the disease in the future.

And we made the most of our precious TIME together, after every medical appointment we would have a lunch date, Lindsay would have a pint of Guinness and I would enjoy a glass of wine.

Lindsay and I felt so fortunate to have a leading respiratory research centre here in Western Australia. Not only did we have access to innovative treatment right on our doorstep but specialist care provided by the Institute for Respiratory Health was our lifeline throughout this challenging experience. They provided us with unwavering support, compassion and care. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without them.

Thank you for reading my story today. Please donate towards lifesaving research to help improve the quality of life for those with chronic lung disease and hopefully find a cure one day.

Best wishes,


PS. We know this is a difficult time for many. Thank you for whatever you are able to give.