Creating your own event is a great way to fundraise and raise vital funds for respiratory research. Here are some suggestion to get you started. Whatever you choose to do, we are here to help you get the most out of your fundraising activity.

Host a dinner party for friends and family or turn your night into a potluck fundraiser by asking guests to bring a plate. You can ask for donations through admission fees and/or organise a raffle to be won on the night. You could also create a recipe book from all the dishes served and sell it on the night.
Most cinemas support movie fundraisers. Simply contact your cinema of choice requesting that you wish to hold a fundraising event. The cinema can often advise on what to charge. You may also want to include finger food and or a choc top ice cream depending on the venue and the time of your screening.

A games night is a great way to get friends and family together. So why not do it for a good cause? Charge people an entry fee. You could also sell food on the night or get prizes from local businesses and run a raffle.
10 years ago, John was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a rare lung disease that causes irreversible scarring of the lungs and has a very low survival rate.
“Lung disease is very much underfunded when compared to other diseases. There needs to be significant funding made available for research, patient care, rehabilitation and community awareness.”
John and his family hosted a Sunset Soiree in their backyard for friends and family with over 100 guests enjoyed a lovely evening with the sounds of Courtney Murphy, musician and former Australian Idol contestant.
The Soiree raised a generous $4,000, helping to fund research into pulmonary fibrosis.

Once you have decided what fundraising activity you would like to do, the next step is to create a fundraising page, then tell your friends, family and colleagues what you’re doing and why. Depending on your event, we can contact your media outlet and see if they’ll help to spread the word. We’re here to help. For more information please contact Sarah Cermak at or call 6151 0815.
The Institute for Respiratory Health is a registered not-for-profit. All donations of $2 and over are tax deductible in Australia. Cheques can be mailed to: Institute for Respiratory Health, Level 2, 6 Verdun Street, Nedlands WA 6009.
Thank you.